Complete Smile Makeover Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry and Smile Makeovers

Cosmetic dentists offer a plethora of dental treatment modalities that are both harmonious with oral and facial function and aesthetically pleasing and natural. The most comprehesive type of cosmetic dentistry is called a smile makeover.

A complete smile makeover necessitates the most advanced techniques available to cosmetic dentistry. The best cosmetic dentists have to be familiar with all aspects of human growth patterns, ideal facial proportions, numerous functional relationships, and the mechanism of wound healing of different tissues. Smile-makeover experts approach their patients with a holistic viewpoint attempting to integrate a new set of teeth harmoniously into facial structure. The term "extreme makeover" was once upon a time a TV show that reported about extreme facial makeovers performed by entire surgical teams that included plastic surgeons, orthognathic surgeons, cosmetic dermatologists, and cosmetic dentists who fully understand nature's design and have a holistic viewpoint about how all facial elements integrate and function with each other.

Everyone talks about extreme makeover and smile makeover these days. It involves the entire face, which evidently includes the jaws and the teeth. Extreme makeover is a term that was created to underline the dramatic changes that can be created with plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry.

An extreme makeover should be a holistic approach that considers the functional aspects of all involved structures.

smile muscles in cosmetic dentistry
Anatomy of a smile: the pull of a variety of small,
but very responsive facial muscles

While all changes to the face have a functional impact, even a minor change within the stomatognathic (chewing) system needs to be based entirely on function. Aesthetics cannot be achieved without function. In fact, any aesthetically pleasing object, except those created in the field of art, evolved within a framework of function and interaction. Beauty is harmony. So, let us talk about how that applies to your teeth and jaws.

What is a smile? We cannot discuss its philosophical and spiritual significance at this point. However, it is important for a plastic surgeon or cosmetic dentist to understand the anatomical, functional, and physiological aspects of a smile.

We have a large group of specialized mimical muscles that contract in certain situations and pull the overlying soft tissues into a smile (see above image). Teeth become exposed. The amount of tooth exposed during a smile varies from patient to patient. A young person displays more tooth surface than an older person. This is caused by two things: the progressive sagging of the upper lip and the attrition (shortening) of the upper incisors.

These signs of aging are the main reasons why many middle-aged individuals decide to 'lift' their smile by lengthening their front teeth with porcelain veneers. They often receive six to ten upper porcelain veneers. However, any dimensional change of the front teeth has to consider stomatognathic function of the entire face and splanchnocranium.

The front teeth are vital for the protection of the molars. Front teeth are responsible for the disclosure of the back teeth during horizontal movements of the jaws. Muscles shut off when front teeth are stressed by tooth contact. This natural mechanism protects all oral structures.

Envelope of Function is a Key Element of Smile Design
This image explains the concept of envelope of
function (blue curve). The envelope of function is
a key element of smile design.

Ignoring it will cause your new smile to be
unstable and porcelain restorations to break

Smile design or smile makeover therefore cannot just focus on aesthetic parameters, but must be created within the envelope of function of the front teeth. When you receive a new smile, it is not just 'painted' into your face. It is integrated in complete functional harmony with the surrounding structures of the skull.

Any master of plastic surgery or an experienced cosmetic dentist fully understands the reason for morphology and aging, such as: Why does the jaw have an angle? or, Why do eyelids become baggy? or, What do we need to do to rejuvenate a smile?

Any smile makeover of the teeth has to be based on the physiological relationship of upper and lower jaw. There are many heated discussions regarding the finding of the proper jaw relationship (centric relation) among the dental community. The most predictable results have been obtained by techniques developed by Dr. Peter Dawson in St. Petersburg, Florida. More recent philosophies have advocated the establishment of the incisal edge position of upper central incisors as a reference point for the entire treatment sequence of a smile design.

Your new smile will be permanent and beautiful if all functional aspects were considered.

Relationship between teeth, joints, and muscles - centric relation
This image underlines the fact that teeth cannot be
altered without consideration of the relationship of
the jaws, which meet at the temporo-mandibular joints.
The dental contacts determine the position and
relationship of the joints upon closure and need
to be in harmony with their physiological position.

The following extreme-makeover smile design is the result of a careful consideration of the relationship of upper and lower jaw. The patient was set into her natural centric relationship prior to raising her bite. This allowed us to create the space necessary to rebuild the worn teeth without changing the most physiological position of the mandibular condyle into the temporal fossa of the skull.

The makeover is truly extreme. However, the final result of this full-mouth reconstruction lead to a much healthier condition of all oral and masticatory structures involved.

Worn Teeth Before Smile Makeover

worn teeth before smile rejuventation right
worn teeth before smile rejuventation left
worn teeth before smile rejuventation left

After Smile Makeover of Worn Teeth

smile makeover of worn teeth right side
smile rejuvenation of worn teeth left
smile rejuvenation of worn teeth

Cosmetic dentist Dr. Jorg-Peter Rabanus of San Francisco is accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Are porcelain veneers compatible with worn teeth? What does a cosmetic dentist have to do to secure the durability and longevity of porcelain veneers in a patient with bruxism and parafunctional habits that causes wear and attrition of his teeth? See here at: Porcelain Veneers and Worn teeth.